Preschool Readers +

After completing Preschool Readers instructional sessions, it is essential to continue reviewing your child’s sight words – we want to ensure they retain all they have learned with their Preschool Reading Specialist.

Cue Preschool Readers +

Preschool Readers + includes 6-months of electronically delivered online games and activities plus printable workbooks to reinforce the sight words introduced in Preschool Readers.

Preschool Readers + is accessible on your computer, tablet/iPad, or phone and allows your child to learn from home on their own time and schedule. The cost is $75 for 6-months of play-based, educational learning they’ll love!

Continuing instructional sessions with a Preschool Reading Specialist keeps your child moving forward on their reading journey while combining instructional sessions with Preschool Readers + guarantees reading success!

My daughter loved all of the interactive stories and computer games used in Preschool Readers +. She found these activities to be really fun and independently asked to do the choice board multiple times throughout the month. I really liked that there were levels of difficulty to choose from for the games. She always chose the most difficult level and was very excited each time she broke her own record.

– Preschool Readers + Parent

Get started with Preschool Readers +